Analysis of information sources for the knowledge of the internationalization of the service sector

One of the salient features of the evolution of international trade during recent decades has been the increasing prominence of tourist services, linked to progress in the global Value Chains (CGVs) and the broader “ servitización ” of manufactures. At The Same Time, technological advances have facilitated cross-border supply of services by making this sector in the most dynamic component of international trade.

The measurement of trade in services is inherently more difficult than that of trade in goods, given the complexity in the definition of service, wide heterogeneity and the difficulties of collection of data deriving from its various modes of supply.

The study presents the main sources of information available for analysis of the internationalization of tourist services. Focuses primarily on statistics of trade in services that would allow for comparative studies with the world's largest economies and our nearest geographic surroundings, with particular interest in the european Union.

Analysis of information sources for the knowledge of the internationalization of the service sector [PDF] [1,890 KB]
