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Economy and Business
Secretariat of State
Functions and powers
Organization chart
Write to the secretary of State
Internationalization strategy
Internationalization strategy of the spanish economy 2017-2027
International Bids Awarded to Spanish Companies
Action Plan for the Internationalization of the spanish economy 2021-22
Countries with Strategic Sectoral Action (PASS)
Women and internationalization
Town of plans and reports
Processing aid to associations or Federations of Exporters
Support for the digitization of official trade Cameras Spanish abroad and federations
The evaluation report on the way towards the internationalization strategy of the spanish economy 2017-2027
Internationalization strategy of the spanish economy 2017-2027
Update of the internationalization strategy of the spanish economy 2017-2027
Report of evaluation of the Plan of action for the internationalization of the spanish economy 2019-2020
Headquarters procedures: services
Statistics, publications and reports
Spanish Business Information Magazines (ICE Magazines)
Foreign trade of goods
International trade of services
Internationalization Studies
Global value chains between eu and its partners in the mediterranean union, with particular reference to smes
Aid, Trade Fairs and awards
List of agrifood associations, industrial and service
National fairs of an international character
Recognition of associations of exporters
Addresses of interest
Grants to associations
Training scholarships in control tests on products subject to foreign trade
Fulbright scholarships
Public participation
Brexit Trade
Recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience
Foreign Investment
Statements by foreign investment
Investment statistics: DataInvex y GlobalInvex
International Mobility
Protection of Investments and regulation
National contact point of the guidelines
International sanctions
Control of investments
Areas of interest
EU trade policy
Import and Export of goods
International trade in services
Barriers to trade and investment
Network of economic and commercial offices abroad and Territorial trade network
Domestic trade
Datacomex & Datainvex
Funding for internationalization
Other links
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Secretariat of State
Functions and powers
Functions and powers
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Functions and powers
Reestructuración de los departamentos ministeriales
Real Decreto 1230/2023, de 29 de diciembre
, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 829/2023, de 20 de noviembre, por el que se reestructuran los departamentos ministeriales.
Real Decreto 829/2023, de 20 de noviembre
, por el que se reestructuran los departamentos ministeriales.
Corrección de errores del Real Decreto 829/2023, de 20 de noviembre
, por el que se reestructuran los departamentos ministeriales.
Real Decreto 837/2023, de 22 de noviembre
, por el que se crean Subsecretarías en los departamentos ministeriales.
Aprobación de la estructura orgánica de los departamentos ministeriales
Real Decreto 1009/2023, de 5 de diciembre
, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica básica de los departamentos ministeriales.
Real Decreto 890/2023, de 27 de noviembre
, por el que se aprueba la estructura de la Presidencia del Gobierno. (modifica el art. 14.2).
Desarrollo de la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa
Real Decreto 410/2024, de 23 de abril
, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa.
Real Decreto 1/2024, de 9 de enero
, por el que se establecen las Comisiones Delegadas del Gobierno.
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