International tenders to Spanish Companies



The report analyses the data relating to contracts for international tenders have involved spanish companies and who have been awarded in the year 2022.

Thetotalof the contracts obtained by 2022 for spanish companies in international contracts (alone or in a consortium) amounted to €70.620,19 million, a 10 per cent higher than 2021. The important thing of this figure is that they have now exceeded the amounts prior to the pandemic, after the fall of over 20% in 2020. In this period, the average amount of the tenders to spanish companies was 15 per cent higher than last year, from 97millones to eur 112 billion, although the number of contracts was lower, 659 in 2021.

Geographythis amount has beendistributed globally, stressing the growing presence of our companies in highly developed markets and competitive asNorth america and oceania, consolidating the increasing trend in recent years and the penetration of spanish companies in The region.European Unionremains one of our main markets and, while it had lost weight relative, continues to represent about 25 per cent of the business english.Latin americafor its part, has been losing weight gradually in recent years, but it remains relevant.

By sectors,continues to note the sectorTransport and infrastructure, reflecting the dynamism and high technological level of spanish companies in this field positions, leaders in transport infrastructure management globally. Also stresses the increase in the sectorHealth and education. Renewable Energy and EnvironmentandRenewable energy, excludedthey also have scored notable successes.

As for competitions conducted by theMultilateral Financial Institutionsin 2002, the report highlights the significant increase in the contracts awarded to spanish companies in 2022 by Multilateral Financial Institutions, and increase in the spanish quota, more important still, if we consider that the total amount awarded by the multilateral financial institutions around the world decreased by 2022 over the previous year.

The report also covertenders won by spanish companies in purchases of United Nationscontinued in 2002 the upward trend of recent years, reaching in 2022 in addition to a record number of spanish businesses to the united nations.

Finally, aselection of relevant contracts awarded to spanish companies in 2022, classified by region (without cost, by the confidentiality of some of them). In line with what was described earlier, the awards made to include spanish companies in North America and oceania in the area of infrastructure and transport, with on such important projects such as the underground of Toronto and sydney airport motorways, New York, factories of recycling of batteries or projects for renewable energies. Also in the european Union and the united kingdom spanish companies have been contracting of significant contracts in the field of energy, waste treatment, infrastructure and transport and shipbuilding, among others. Also in Latin america, spanish companies continue to have an important presence, despite the relative weight loss, especially in the area of infrastructure.

(1)The data is based on information provided by the External Network of economic and trade offices, through the databaseLICINTof the sub-department internationalization strategy. Bearing in mind that participation in these tenders are often used in consortium with foreign firms, the amount of the procurement that corresponds to the spanish part is sometimes difficult to obtain, for which the data displayed in the report are based on estimates and relate to the total projects.

Report 2022 International Bidding [PDF] [7,34 MB]