Women and internationalization

Working group “ women and internationalization ”

The secretariat of state for trade is firmly committed to the role of women in the internationalization of the spanish economy. It was established in 2019, the working group “ women and internationalization ” within the framework of the Second Plan of Action for the internationalization of the spanish economy 2019-2020 and within the Internationalization strategy of the spanish economy 2017-2027.

This working group was born with the aim of enhancing the role of women in the internationalization of the spanish economy and laying the foundations for progress with commitment, strong and coordinated response in the incorporation of women in international trade.

To this end, this group addresses four major areas of action:

  1. Statistics for improved diagnosis of the current role of women in international trade and possible barriers.
  2. Access to financing and promotion of programmes.
  3. Training on internationalization.
  4. Implementation of the Equality act.

It includes voluntarily all private and public institutions with an interest and are involved in this area: from representatives of the administrations to institutions of the university and the business sector.

Reports “ internationalization ” and Women

For advancing gender equality in this area, initially established four round-table discussions and to evaluate possible barriers and implement activities that promote female entrepreneurship in international trade. Following the debate and of participants representing these working groups, has prepared a report containing the conclusions of each of them and measures being taken to promote inclusive trade policies that contribute to progress in gender equality.

Get theConclusions of the report of the round-table discussion on “ the role of women in the internationalization of the spanish economy ” [PDF] [1.2 MB]

Moreover, the members of the working group of 'Women and internationalization' meet regularly to take stock of activities undertaken, consider the objectives and set priorities in its framework for action.

Access the latest report of the annual meeting of the group:“ progress in equalization of opportunities [PDF] [6 MB] ”

Events of the working group "and internationalization" Women

On 16 april 2021 introduced the report Women and internationalization with the conclusions of the round tables. The event was attended by the support of FS queen Letizia and ministers of industry, commerce and tourism, Reyes Maroto e lgualdad, Irene Montero.

On 8 march 2002, the international day of women, the secretariat of state for trade held a second act of the working group “ women and internationalization of the spanish economy ” to address the role of women in international trade where shared their experience in spanish and international experts.

