Training scholarships in control tests on products subject to foreign trade

General information

Scholarships are convened 23of practical training in control tests on products subject to external trade, in accordance with the regulatory bases established by the order ICT/304/2022, of 1 april.

Thepurposeof the fellowship is to promote training and technical refinement of university graduates, in the field of control tests on products subject to external trade, in order to facilitate their integration into the labour market.

Scholarships will bedurationa maximum of two years without possibility of extension, as of the incorporation of the fellows after the notification of the resolution of its issuance.

Each fellowship is endowed with amonthly amountfrom €1.234,96 gross.

The fellows will beforthe laboratories of the Provincial and Territorial Directorates of trade, as well as Analytical centre inspection and quality Control of Foreign Trade (The Central Laboratory) of Madrid.

Theassessment and selection processapplications will consist of a single phase qualifying round, regarding the assessment of the documentation provided.

Further information,

Order ICT/304/2022, of 1 aprilonregulatory basis for the granting of scholarshipsin control tests on products subject to foreign trade (BOE 11/04/2022).

Resolution of the secretariat of state for tradeby thatsummoned scholarshipstraining in control tests on products subject to foreign trade.

Excerpt from resolutionthe secretariat of state for trade by summoned scholarships training control tests on products subject to foreign trade.

Submission of applications for admission

Electronic headquarters of the ministry of economy, trade and enterprise

The deadline for submission of requests ended on 15 april 2024

Interim resolution with the relationship of admitted and excluded

Interim resolution with the relationship of admitted and excludedthe training scholarships in control tests on products subject to external trade for the year 2024.

Resolution with the definitive admissions and excluded

Resolution with the definitive admissions and excludedthe training scholarships in control tests on products subject to external trade for the year 2024.

Motion for a resolution granting interim

Motion for a resolution granting interimtraining scholarships in control tests on products subject to external trade for the year 2024.

Proposal for a final resolution of granting

Proposal for a final resolution of grantingtraining scholarships in control tests on products subject to external trade for the year 2024.

Resolution of granting

Resolution of the secretariat of state for trade- training scholarships awarded in control tests on products subject to Foreign trade.

Corrigendum to the concession Resolution

Corrigendum to the resolutionthe secretariat of state for trade to procure training scholarships in control tests on products subject to foreign trade

Corrigendum of the pre-trial procedure

Corrigendum to the interim and final relationsadmissions and excluded, on the motions for resolutions provisional and final training scholarships in control tests on products subject to foreign trade.