(AFORIX) Program for completing Foreign Investment Forms

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AFORIX is the aid program for completing by computer means declaration models for foreign investments in Spain and Spanish investments abroad and their settlements and their presentation to the Investment Registry of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, in cases and deadlines established by current legislation.

Models to complete and present

  • DP-1: «Prior declaration of foreign investment from non-cooperative jurisdictions in companies, branches, collective investment institutions and other forms of investment».
  • DP-2: «Prior declaration of foreign investment from non-cooperative jurisdictions in real estate».
  • D-1A: «Declaration of foreign investment in companies, branches, collective investment institutions and other forms of investment».
  • D-1B: «Declaration of foreign disinvestment in companies, branches, collective investment institutions and other forms of investment».
  • D-2A: «Declaration of foreign investment in real estate».
  • D-2B: «Declaration of foreign divestment in real estate».
  • D-4: «Annual report on foreign investment in Spain».
  • Spanish investments abroad. It consists of the following models:
  • DP-3: «Prior declaration of Spanish investment in non-cooperative jurisdictions in companies, branches, collective investment institutions and other forms of investment».
  • DP-4: «Previous declaration of Spanish investment in non-cooperative jurisdictions in real estate».
  • D-5A: «Spanish investment declaration in foreign companies, branches, collective investment institutions and other forms of investment».
  • D-5B: «Declaration of Spanish divestment in foreign companies, branches, collective investment institutions and other forms of investment».
  • D-7A: «Spanish investment declaration in real estate».
  • D-7B: «Declaration of Spanish divestment in real estate».
  • D-8: «Annual report on Spanish investment abroad».

Completing the declaration through AFORIX, does not exempt the declarant from responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of all the information contained therein.

Through AFORIX, you can save and recover the information contained in the declarations that are completed, create templates with data that is repeated in several declarations, and easily correct the errors detected while the program performs basic validations for correct completion. .

AFORIX generates an electronic document that, once signed with a recognized electronic certificate, is presented over the internet.

Documents signed electronically with recognized certificates must be submitted electronically through the procedure enabled for this purpose on the Areas of Interest page of the Secretary of State for Commerce. , accessing the “Foreign Investments” tab, once here you will access the option “Declarations of foreign investments – Procedures – Presentation of Foreign Investment declarations (e-Aforix)

You can contact with aforix.sscc@economia.gob.es in case of:

  • There may be any problem during installation or during normal execution of the application. In the shortest possible time, you will be informed of an alternative to adopt, or you will be notified when an update is available to correct the reported anomaly.
  • want to make any query or suggestion, which allows for better use and exploitation of AFORIX and obtain a reliable, robust, agile, useful and easy-to-use product, which allows offering better quality in its relationship with the Public Administration.
  • want to communicate any other question regarding AFORIX